2011年11月22日 星期二

《大手印,奇異哉》精選開示 - 1




--Garchen Rinpoche from his book, "Mahamudra, Emaho," translated by Ina Bieler
-- 節錄自  噶千仁波切著作《大手印,奇異哉》,英文翻譯伊納.比樂

Whatever was the guru's main yidam deity, after the guru has passed away, the guru will manifest the pure land of that yidam deity and will abide within the pure land of that yidam deity. Also if we as disciples engage in the practice of that yidam deity of the guru and never forget about it, then also after we have died we will be born in the pure land of that yidam deity and will be with the root guru again. 

That is the quality of the sambhogakaya creation stage practice. If we practice the yidam deity and do not forget about it, if the mind always thinks of this yidam deity, then after we have left behind this body, after death, we also attain enlightenment in the same pure land of this samgbhogakaya next to our root guru. So in this same way we should understand the practice of the sambhogakaya. 
