2011年3月15日 星期二


轉載自The Garchen Institute 2011/3/14 法訊

The Garchen Institute: Praying for the Earthquake Victims


A message from His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche:
以下是尊貴的 噶千仁波切在日本大地震後的開示:

"I am deeply sad to hear about the earthquake disaster in Japan, and also in New Zealand, Tibet, and other places last year. Although many beings have lost their lives, their minds really can never die. And as our minds are connected, we can benefit them by cultivating love and compassion and reciting the Mani mantra (OM MANI PADME HUNG). If we are able to pervade their minds with love, they will awaken from the dream of self-grasping and suffering."

「聽到日本、紐西蘭,以及去年西藏和其他地方的地震災害,我感到非常難過。雖然有很多眾生因此喪生,但他們的心識卻從不死亡。由於我們 (與眾生) 的心是相繫的,培養愛心和悲心並持誦瑪尼咒 (唵 瑪 尼 貝 美 吽) 便能利益他們。若是我們能夠讓愛遍及他們的心,就可以使他們從我執和痛苦的夢中覺醒。
